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In these boring lockdown-times we are all desperately looking for ways to still interact with our colleagues, friends, and family in a fun and engaging way instead of yet another digital meeting. Not an easy task given the current circumstances, but we are an inventive bunch of people who love a good challenge.

So, we thought, where do fun, interaction and challenge meet each other? That’s right: in an Escape Room! And even better: in an Escape Room which can be played anytime, anywhere, with anyone you want. For free!

Power BI EscapeRoom

Of course, we could have chosen to simply search for an Escape Room online, reserve a spot and play that room. But since we are true and sincere data-loving nerds who love an extra challenge. We thought “why not try to build our own Escape Room using only the standard Microsoft Power BI functionalities”, and so we did! And boy, did we find what we were looking for! At Cmotions, when we create dashboards for our customers, we always try to make the best use of the navigation and interaction options in the data visualization tool at hand, to guide users through the dashboard as easy as possible. But naturally for this Escape Room we have deliberately made it a bit harder to navigate… We had so much fun in trying to figure out the best way to achieve what we wanted to create, limiting ourselves with only standard Power BI visuals (ok, the real experts might recognize a sneaky chiclet slicer, forgive us). For the Power BI users among our readers, hopefully this Escape Room will also inspire you to see the huge number of possibilities when using Power BI.

Erik van Nistelrooij
No navigation challenge is scaring this man. A true master of navigation, you will never get lost when he is around.
Terri Seuntjens
Looking for a storyline? Just talk to this creative woman. You will not only get a story, but you will also get completely sucked into this story. Just try our EscapeRoom and you will see what we mean.
Coen van der Snoek
No science fact is unknown to this man. In our EscapeRoom you get a chance to experience being inside his brain. We hope you can find your way out because that is not an easy task. Do not say we did not warn you…
Jeanine Schoonemann
Tell her a story and she sees it all happening in her brain. Walk around in her imagination as she brings the storyline to live in everything you see going on in our EscapeRoom.
Mark Snel
A true lover of triple D. No dinosaur, disease or even dartboard can scare this man. See for yourself and you will know what we mean. Hopefully, he does not scare you away…
Nieck de Groot
Be afraid all you little bugs, be very afraid. Because no other bug has ever been able to tell the story of running into this true bugmaster.


Let’s play!

All that is left for us now is to invite you into our brains by entering our Power BI EscapeRoom and have a whole lot of fun! You do not need any knowledge of data and/or Power BI to be able to experience this EscapeRoom. It is really open to everybody who loves a good puzzle. Please let us know your feedback, we would love to hear from you.

Principal Consultant & Data Scientist
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